An export house recognized by govt. of India
RSV EXIM PVT LTD isa company incorporated under the companies act having its corporate office in Raipur, chattisgarh. The processing facility is located at Visakhapatnam Special Economic Zone, Duvvada, in the state of Andhra Pradesh. It is 100% Export Oriented SEZ Unit started in the year 2004 and exporting Agro forest commdities to Asia, Middle East, Europe, USA, Brazil,africa Etc. its unique location at a port gives immense opportunities to explore the global markets both in terms of import and export.
RSV EXIM PVT LTD is a company incorporated under the companies act having its corporate office in Raipur, chattisgarh. The processing facility is located at Visakhapatnam Special Economic Zone, Duvvada, in the state of Andhra Pradesh. It is 100% Export Oriented SEZ Unit started in the year 2004 and exporting Agro forest commdities to Asia, Middle East, Europe, USA, Brazil,africa Etc. its unique location at a port gives immense opportunities to explore the global markets both in terms of import and export.
Happy Customers
Plot No. G – 4 & 5, Phase II, Special Economic Zone, Duvvada, Visakhapatnam-530046, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Mr. Sanjay Jain