
Niger Seed

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    Common names to niger seed include niger, nyger, nyjer, or niger seed, ramtil, or ramtilla; its scientific name is Guizotiaabyssinica, which is an erect, stout, branched annual herb, grown for its edible oil and seed. Niger seeds resemble sunflower seeds in shape but are smaller in size and black. It bears a fairly thick, adherent seed coat and can be stored for up to a year without deterioration. Niger seed contains proteins, oil, and soluble sugars. Niger seeds are used as bird feed worldwide. The seed, technically a fruit called an achene, is often sold as birdseed as it is a favorite of finches, especially the goldfinch and the greenfinch. In the birdseed market, niger is often sold or referred to as thistle seed. Requiring moderate rainfall between 1000 and 1250 mm (39–49 in) annually, niger seed needs moist soil to grow properly. Niger should be grown in light black soils or brownish loam with sufficient depth but it also can be grown on well-drained heavy soils or rocky laterite soils. It can grow in semi-shade or full sun. The yield of seeds will average 300–400 kg/hectare (270–360 lb/acre) under favorable conditions. Niger can be planted as a sole crop or as an intercrop with cereals (millet, sorghum), legume seeds (cowpea, soybean), or other plants (castor, sunflower, sesame, sweet potato). Niger seed yields about 30–35% of its weight in oil which is clear, slow-drying, and edible. Niger seed oil is polyunsaturated semi-drying oil. It has pale yellow or orange color with a nutty taste and sweet odor. The raw oil has low acidity and can be used directly for cooking. Its fatty acid composition is similar to sunflower oil and has a high content of linoleic acid. It is used as a substitute for olive oil and can be mixed with linseed oil.

    Niger seeds are widely cultivated in our area and for consistent quality & supply, we have adopted the system of contract farming. Under this system, we give a buyback guarantee to farmers & they sow the crop on our behalf. We have a well-equipped cleaning plant in Raipur &Vishakhapatanam to extensively undertake a thorough cleaning of these Oil seeds. We have a capacity of 150 MT of Seed per day. We export niger seed to various regions around the world, including the USA, Germany, Belgium, UK, and Brazil.

    Health Benefits-

    1. Heart Health

    Niger seed oil is quite beneficial than other typical vegetable oils to improve your cholesterol balance, because it possesses high levels of omega-3 fatty acids and linoleic acid. This can help lower your chances of developing atherosclerosis, which can further prevent heart attacks and strokes. The anti-inflammatory effects of these healthy fats can also help lower blood pressure and generally reduce the strain on your cardiovascular system

    1. Reduces Inflammation

    Niger seed oil consists of good amount of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds which make it popular for people struggling with arthritis, gout, rheumatism, fever, or high blood pressure. Antioxidants help to neutralize free radicals, which can cause oxidative stress. By its very definition, oxidative stress causes inflammation in the body, thus eliminating those free radicals is a great place to start.

    1. Heals Wounds

    Niger essential oil is highly nutritious as it consists of vital nutrients like niacin, oleic acid, carbohydrates, protein, fibers, stearic acid, riboflavin and ascorbic acids which possess good healing ability. Niger seed oil offers immediate relief from irritation caused due to wounds.

    1. Immune System Booster

    Niger seed oil consists of certain anti-parasitic and antioxidant qualities which is quite helpful whenever topically applied or consumed. If you wish to avoid several infections and strengthen the overall immune system, then use Niger seed oil on your skin for external infections, and consume it in your food for internal protection.

    1. Good for Rheumatism

    Niger seeds oil is quite beneficial for treating rheumatism and can give fast relief from it without causing any other side effects to its consumer’s health. Niger seeds have exceptional medicinal properties that have an ability to heal complexion signs of rheumatism naturally.

    1. Sleep Aid

    Niger seed oil is the store house of Magnesium, potassium and zinc which are some of the key minerals that can affect the hormonal levels in the body. These minerals help to calm Circadian rhythms and induce the release of certain neurotransmitters that the body needs for proper rest, mainly magnesium. If you are suffering from insomnia or chronic restlessness while sleeping, try to include some Niger seed oil and get benefited.

    1. Give Relief from Cold and Flu

    Niger seeds oil is extremely beneficial in giving protection to the body against cold and flu. In fact, regular massage of this oil extract on chest, back and other parts of the body gives relief against common symptoms of flu and cold.

    1. Gastrointestinal Issues

    Niger seed oil is quite comparable to rapeseed and sunflower oils, both of which can calm gastrointestinal problems like constipation, bloating, cramping, hemorrhoids and general stomach upset. The oil can also help to coat the stomach and reduce inflammation, and also protect against any bad bacteria in the gut that may be compromising your immune system or preventing proper nutrient uptake.

    1. Curbs Morning Sickness

    Niger seeds oil do have non-acidic stability that makes it healthy oil to curb morning sickness. This oil also consists of lower amount of unsaturated fats therefore there lowers uncommon symptoms like mood swings, stress and hypertension.

    1. Speed Healing

    As mentioned before Niger seed oil is loaded with mineral and vitamin composition which makes it ideal for stimulating healing and regrowth of cells and tissues. Protein, fiber, riboflavin, vitamin C and other carbohydrates compressed in this oil are essential for the healing process, so including this to your diet can do far more than help with your cholesterol issues. When recovering from an injury or surgery, consider switching to this oil for your culinary needs.

    1. Protect the Skin

    If case you are searching for a good solution for scars, burns, rashes or skin irritation, Niger seed oil is an excellent option. Antioxidants found in this oil help to encourage the healing process and calm inflammation. They can prevent infections in the skin by increasing the immune reactivity at the site of wounds or lacerations. Antioxidants also neutralize free radicals, which can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and age spots.

    1. Weight Gain

    Fatty acids and proteins found within this oil are perfect if you are trying to gain weight in a healthy way. Following an injury or illness, boosting weight gain is often desired, and the balance of omega-3s and other nutrients can encourage healthy weight gain for those patients or consumer. If you are not trying to gain weight, just use this oil in moderation, but you don’t need to worry about this oil pumping in excessive calories or “bad” cholesterol into your system.

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