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    Maize has become a staple food in many parts of the world, with the total production of maize surpassing that of wheat or rice.  Globally, maize is known as queen of cereals because it has the highest genetic yield potential among the cereals.In addition to being consumed directly by humans (often in the form of ), maize is also used for corn ethanol, animal feed and other maize products, such as corn starch and corn syrup. Maize is widely cultivated throughout the world, and a greater weight of maize is produced each year than any other grain. The maize plant is often 3 m (10 ft) in height, Its root system is generally shallow, so the plant is dependent on soil moisture. Maize harvested as a grain crop can be kept in the field a relatively long time, even months, after the crop is ready to harvest; it is also harvested and stored in the husk leaves if kept dry. Raw, yellow, sweet maize kernels are composed of 76% water, 19% carbohydrates, 3% protein, and 1% fat.  The large narrow leaves have wavy margins and are spaced alternately on opposite sides of the stem. In a 100-gram serving, maize kernels provide 86 calories and are a good source (10–19% of the Daily Value) of the B vitamins, thiamin, niacin (but see Pellagra warning below), pantothenic acid (B5) and folate (right table for raw, uncooked kernels, USDA Nutrient Database). In moderate amounts, they also supply dietary fiber and the essential minerals, magnesium and phosphorus.

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    Comments (2)


    February 16, 2022

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    February 16, 2022

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